A Free Monitoring Dashboard for Looker
I have worked a lot of consulting and data team jobs in recent years and have found a lot of success in managing Looker environments. At this point I have worked on a lot of environments; somewhere in the neighborhood of 20–25 (but who’s counting 😃). Anyone that has worked as a Looker admin can vouch; Looker environments can get out of control QUICK if you are not monitoring them closely. Looker comes stock with a few dashboards for this purpose that are pretty helpful, but I have always found that I prefer to have one central dash that I can check each day to make sure everything is running smoothly. Over the years I have built this dashboard; some of it is ripped off the Looker provided dashboards, and some I have created myself. Either way, I have used this dashboard at many companies with great success. Since the Looker metadata explores are the same across all Looker instances, there is nothing proprietary or unethical about sharing the LookML code. For this reason, I have decided to give this away for free. To be honest, a dashboard like this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping a Looker environment running smoothly.
Without further ado, here is the dashboard LookML. The colors may get messed up depending on how you have setup your default settings, and you may want to apply some more filters depending on the specifics of your instance, but the idea is the same. Just add this as a .dashboard file and “include:” the file in one of your models and it will pop up in your LookML Dashboard folder.
- dashboard: environment_performance_dashboard
title: Environment Performance Dashboard
layout: newspaper
preferred_viewer: dashboards-next
description: ''
preferred_slug: qo4RsUk7JZW040IYxsMRAq
- title: Runtime Run Count and Query Count by Dashboard L30D
name: Runtime Run Count and Query Count by Dashboard L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_column
fields: [dashboard.title, history.average_runtime, history.dashboard_run_count,
history.completed_date: 30 days
sorts: [history.average_runtime desc]
limit: 100
column_limit: 50
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
point_style: circle
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
y_axes: [{label: !!null '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: history.average_runtime,
id: history.average_runtime, name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: false,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: true, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: !!null '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: history.dashboard_run_count,
id: history.dashboard_run_count, name: Dashboard Run Count}], showLabels: false,
showValues: false, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: !!null '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: history.query_run_count,
id: history.query_run_count, name: Query Run Count}], showLabels: false,
showValues: false, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}]
history.query_run_count: scatter
history.dashboard_run_count: scatter
history.average_runtime: "#2C72AC"
history.dashboard_run_count: "#222"
query.count: "#2C72AC"
history.query_run_count: "#F88017"
series_labels: {}
reference_lines: [{reference_type: line, line_value: '30', range_start: max, range_end: min,
margin_top: deviation, margin_value: mean, margin_bottom: deviation, label_position: right,
color: "#B32F37", label: 30 Seconds}]
trend_lines: []
swap_axes: false
show_null_points: true
defaults_version: 1
interpolation: linear
hidden_fields: []
hidden_points_if_no: []
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: 12
rows_font_size: 12
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
listen: {}
row: 89
col: 0
width: 24
height: 11
- title: Runs by Looker Node L30D
name: Runs by Looker Node L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_column
fields: [history.average_runtime, history.dashboard_run_count, node.id, node.hostname,
node.is_master, node.port, node.version]
history.completed_date: 30 days
sorts: [history.dashboard_run_count desc]
limit: 100
column_limit: 50
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
point_style: circle
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
y_axes: [{label: !!null '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: history.average_runtime,
id: history.average_runtime, name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: true,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: !!null '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: history.dashboard_run_count,
id: history.dashboard_run_count, name: Dashboard Run Count}], showLabels: true,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}]
history.average_runtime: scatter
history.average_runtime: "#222"
history.dashboard_run_count: "#2C72AC"
series_labels: {}
reference_lines: [{reference_type: line, line_value: '30', range_start: max, range_end: min,
margin_top: deviation, margin_value: mean, margin_bottom: deviation, label_position: right,
color: "#B32F37", label: 30 Seconds}]
trend_lines: []
swap_axes: false
show_null_points: true
defaults_version: 1
interpolation: linear
hidden_fields: [node.hostname, node.is_master, node.port]
hidden_points_if_no: []
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: 12
rows_font_size: 12
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
listen: {}
row: 132
col: 0
width: 24
height: 7
- title: Cache vs Database Drill L30D
name: Cache vs Database Drill L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_grid
fields: [dashboard.title, history.average_runtime, history.dashboard_run_count,
query.count, history.result_source]
pivots: [history.result_source]
history.completed_date: 30 days
history.result_source: -"stale_cache",-EMPTY
sorts: [history.result_source desc, avg_runtime_seconds desc 0]
limit: 100
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.average_runtime}",
label: AVG Runtime Seconds, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: avg_runtime_seconds, _type_hint: number}]
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
limit_displayed_rows: false
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: '12'
rows_font_size: '12'
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
column_order: ["$$$_row_numbers_$$$", dashboard.title, query_avg_runtime_seconds,
query_history.dashboard_run_count, query_query.count, cache_avg_runtime_seconds,
cache_history.dashboard_run_count, cache_query.count]
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
query.count: Query Count
avg_runtime_seconds: 112
is_active: false
align: left
align: left
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
legend_position: center
point_style: circle
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
y_axes: [{label: !!null '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: history.average_runtime,
id: history.average_runtime, name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: true,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: query.count,
id: query.count, name: Query}], showLabels: true, showValues: true, unpinAxis: false,
tickDensity: default, type: linear}]
series_types: {}
history.average_runtime: "#222"
history.dashboard_run_count: "#2C72AC"
query.count: "#2C72AC"
reference_lines: [{reference_type: line, line_value: '30', range_start: max, range_end: min,
margin_top: deviation, margin_value: mean, margin_bottom: deviation, label_position: right,
color: "#B32F37", label: 30 Seconds}]
trend_lines: []
swap_axes: false
show_null_points: true
defaults_version: 1
interpolation: linear
hidden_fields: [history.average_runtime]
hidden_points_if_no: []
"$$$_row_numbers_$$$": left
dashboard.title: left
listen: {}
row: 109
col: 0
width: 24
height: 9
- title: Scheduled Plan Count (Dashboards)
name: Scheduled Plan Count (Dashboards)
model: system__activity
explore: scheduled_plan
type: looker_grid
fields: [dashboard.title, count_of_id_2, count_of_user_id, count_of_address, dashboard.id]
dashboard.title: "-NULL"
sorts: [count_of_id_2 desc]
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_id_2}",
label: Schedule Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: schedule_count, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_user_id}", label: Count
of Users (Scheduler), value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: count_of_users_scheduler, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_address}", label: Recipient
Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: recipient_count, _type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_id,
based_on: scheduled_job.id, expression: '', label: Count of ID, type: count_distinct,
_kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number}, {category: measure, expression: '',
label: Count of User ID, based_on: scheduled_plan.user_id, _kind_hint: measure,
measure: count_of_user_id, type: count_distinct, _type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_address,
based_on: scheduled_plan_destination.address, expression: '', label: Count
of Address, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number},
{measure: count_of_id_2, based_on: scheduled_plan.id, expression: '', label: Count
of ID, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number}]
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
limit_displayed_rows: false
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: '12'
rows_font_size: '12'
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
column_order: ["$$$_row_numbers_$$$", dashboard.title, dashboard.id, schedule_count,
count_of_users_scheduler, recipient_count, scheduled_job_stage.avg_runtime]
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
is_active: false
palette_id: 1e4d66b9-f066-4c33-b0b7-cc10b4810688
collection_id: b43731d5-dc87-4a8e-b807-635bef3948e7
align: left
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
legend_position: center
point_style: none
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
defaults_version: 1
series_types: {}
hidden_fields: [count_of_user_id, count_of_address, count_of_id_2, dashboard.id]
y_axes: []
listen: {}
row: 118
col: 0
width: 24
height: 6
- title: Cache vs Database L30D
name: Cache vs Database L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_column
fields: [dashboard.title, history.cache_result_query_count, history.database_result_query_count,
history.completed_date: 30 days
dashboard.title: "-EMPTY"
sorts: [sort desc]
limit: 500
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.cache_result_query_count}\n\
\n/\n\n(${history.database_result_query_count}\n+ \n${history.cache_result_query_count})",
label: sort, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: percent_0, _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: sort, _type_hint: number}]
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: percent
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
point_style: circle
show_value_labels: true
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
y_axes: [{label: !!null '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: history.average_runtime,
id: history.average_runtime, name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: true,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: query.count,
id: query.count, name: Query}], showLabels: true, showValues: true, unpinAxis: false,
tickDensity: default, type: linear}]
hidden_series: [history.dashboard_run_count, query.count]
history.average_runtime: scatter
history.average_runtime: "#222"
history.dashboard_run_count: "#2C72AC"
query.count: "#2C72AC"
history.database_result_query_count: "#2C72AC"
history.cache_result_query_count: "#222"
series_labels: {}
reference_lines: [{reference_type: line, line_value: '30', range_start: max, range_end: min,
margin_top: deviation, margin_value: mean, margin_bottom: deviation, label_position: right,
color: "#B32F37", label: 30 Seconds}]
trend_lines: []
swap_axes: false
show_null_points: true
defaults_version: 1
interpolation: linear
hidden_fields: [history.query_run_count, sort]
hidden_points_if_no: []
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: 12
rows_font_size: 12
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
listen: {}
row: 100
col: 0
width: 24
height: 9
- name: Performance and Users
type: text
title_text: Performance and Users
body_text: ''
row: 0
col: 0
width: 24
height: 2
- name: Dashboards and Schedules
type: text
title_text: Dashboards and Schedules
body_text: ''
row: 87
col: 0
width: 24
height: 2
- title: Query Times by Source L30D
name: Query Times by Source L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_bar
fields: [history.issuer_source, history.query_run_count, history.runtime_tiers]
pivots: [history.runtime_tiers]
history.completed_date: 30 days
history.runtime_tiers: "-Below 0, -Undefined"
history.issuer_source: "-API,-Action Hub,-Other"
sorts: [history.runtime_tiers, history.issuer_source desc]
limit: 500
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: normal
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
point_style: none
show_value_labels: true
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
collection_id: 5591d8d1-6b49-4f8e-bafa-b874d82f8eb7
palette_id: 57bef7ef-25c4-448e-83df-9c4de399305d
steps: 5
reverse: true
y_axes: []
font_size: '12'
series_types: {}
series_colors: {}
charts_across: 4
defaults_version: 1
value_labels: legend
label_type: labPer
hidden_fields: []
listen: {}
row: 40
col: 0
width: 12
height: 8
- title: New Tile
name: New Tile
model: system__activity
explore: user
type: single_value
fields: [user.count]
user.is_disabled: 'No'
user_facts.is_looker_employee: 'No'
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: 'running_total(${user.count})',
label: Total Users, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: total_users, _type_hint: number, is_disabled: true}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
custom_color_enabled: true
show_single_value_title: true
show_comparison: false
comparison_type: value
comparison_reverse_colors: false
show_comparison_label: true
enable_conditional_formatting: false
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
single_value_title: Total Users
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
point_style: none
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
show_null_points: true
interpolation: linear
user.count: "#2C72AC"
session.count: "#222"
defaults_version: 1
hidden_fields: []
series_types: {}
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: 12
rows_font_size: 12
y_axes: []
listen: {}
row: 2
col: 0
width: 5
height: 4
- title: Top Users L30D
name: Top Users L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_grid
fields: [history.dashboard_run_count, user.name, query.count]
history.completed_month: 30 days
sorts: [query.count desc]
limit: 500
column_limit: 50
query_timezone: America/Denver
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
limit_displayed_rows: false
enable_conditional_formatting: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: '12'
rows_font_size: '12'
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
truncate_header: false
is_active: true
palette_id: 85de97da-2ded-4dec-9dbd-e6a7d36d5825
collection_id: b43731d5-dc87-4a8e-b807-635bef3948e7
is_active: true
custom_color_enabled: true
show_single_value_title: true
show_comparison: false
comparison_type: value
comparison_reverse_colors: false
show_comparison_label: true
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
legend_position: center
point_style: none
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
show_null_points: true
interpolation: linear
defaults_version: 1
hidden_fields: [history.dashboard_run_count]
series_types: {}
y_axes: []
listen: {}
row: 32
col: 12
width: 12
height: 8
- title: Dashboard Runs L30D
name: Dashboard Runs L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: single_value
fields: [history.dashboard_run_count]
history.completed_month: 30 days
sorts: [history.dashboard_run_count desc]
limit: 500
query_timezone: America/Denver
custom_color_enabled: true
show_single_value_title: true
show_comparison: false
comparison_type: value
comparison_reverse_colors: false
show_comparison_label: true
enable_conditional_formatting: false
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
limit_displayed_rows: false
header_text_alignment: left
header_font_size: '12'
rows_font_size: '12'
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
is_active: true
palette_id: 85de97da-2ded-4dec-9dbd-e6a7d36d5825
collection_id: b43731d5-dc87-4a8e-b807-635bef3948e7
x_axis_gridlines: false
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- title: Query Runs L30D
name: Query Runs L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: single_value
fields: [history.query_run_count]
history.completed_month: 30 days
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.query_run_count}",
label: 'Query Runs ', value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: query_runs, _type_hint: number}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
custom_color_enabled: true
show_single_value_title: true
show_comparison: false
comparison_type: value
comparison_reverse_colors: false
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enable_conditional_formatting: false
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
collection_id: bergfreunde_bw
palette_id: bergfreunde_bw-categorical-0
steps: 5
custom_color: "#000000"
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x_axis_gridlines: false
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y_axis_scale_mode: linear
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trellis: ''
stacking: ''
limit_displayed_rows: false
legend_position: center
series_types: {}
point_style: circle
history.query_run_count: "#222"
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
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y_axis_combined: true
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row: 2
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width: 5
height: 4
- title: Runtime
name: Runtime
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: single_value
fields: [history.average_runtime]
history.completed_date: 30 days
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.average_runtime}",
label: avg, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_1, _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: avg, _type_hint: number}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
custom_color_enabled: true
show_single_value_title: true
show_comparison: false
comparison_type: value
comparison_reverse_colors: false
show_comparison_label: true
enable_conditional_formatting: false
conditional_formatting_include_totals: false
conditional_formatting_include_nulls: false
collection_id: bergfreunde_2
palette_id: bergfreunde_2-categorical-0
steps: 5
single_value_title: Average Runtime Seconds L30D
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
show_y_axis_labels: true
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y_axis_tick_density: default
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font_size: '12'
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listen: {}
row: 2
col: 20
width: 4
height: 4
- title: 'Query Runs: Cache vs Database L3M'
name: 'Query Runs: Cache vs Database L3M'
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_column
fields: [history.average_runtime, history.dashboard_run_count, query.count, history.result_source,
pivots: [history.result_source]
fill_fields: [history.completed_week]
history.result_source: -"stale_cache",-EMPTY
history.completed_month: 3 months
sorts: [history.result_source desc, history.completed_week desc]
limit: 100
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.average_runtime}",
label: AVG Runtime Seconds, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: avg_runtime_seconds, _type_hint: number}]
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
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y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
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y_axis_scale_mode: linear
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y_axis_reversed: false
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stacking: normal
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collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
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id: history.average_runtime, name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: true,
showValues: true, unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, tickDensityCustom: 5,
type: linear}, {label: '', orientation: right, series: [{axisId: query.count,
id: query.count, name: Query}], showLabels: true, showValues: true, unpinAxis: false,
tickDensity: default, type: linear}]
series_types: {}
history.average_runtime: "#222"
history.dashboard_run_count: "#2C72AC"
query.count: "#2C72AC"
query - query.count: "#222"
cache - query.count: "#2C72AC"
query.count: Query Count
query - query.count: Results from Database
cache - query.count: Results from Cache
reference_lines: []
trend_lines: []
show_row_numbers: true
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column_order: ["$$$_row_numbers_$$$", dashboard.title, query_avg_runtime_seconds,
query_history.dashboard_run_count, query_query.count, cache_avg_runtime_seconds,
cache_history.dashboard_run_count, cache_query.count]
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
avg_runtime_seconds: 112
is_active: false
align: left
align: left
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"$$$_row_numbers_$$$": left
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listen: {}
row: 14
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width: 24
height: 9
- name: Query Runs vs Runtime L3M
title: Query Runs vs Runtime L3M
- model: system__activity
explore: user
type: table
fields: [user.count, user.created_week]
fill_fields: [user.created_week]
user.is_disabled: 'No'
user.created_month: 3 months
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: 'running_total(${user.count})',
label: Total Users, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: total_users, _type_hint: number,
is_disabled: true}]
join_fields: []
- model: system__activity
explore: history
type: table
fields: [history.dashboard_run_count, history.average_runtime, history.completed_week]
fill_fields: [history.completed_week]
history.completed_month: 3 months
limit: 500
- field_name: history.completed_week
source_field_name: user.created_week
collection_id: bergfreunde
palette_id: bergfreunde-categorical-0
steps: 5
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_view_names: false
y_axes: [{label: '', orientation: left, series: [{axisId: user.count, id: user.count,
name: Users Added}, {axisId: history.dashboard_run_count, id: history.dashboard_run_count,
name: Dashboard Run Count}], showLabels: true, showValues: true, unpinAxis: false,
tickDensity: default, type: linear}, {label: !!null '', orientation: right,
series: [{axisId: average_runtime_seconds, id: average_runtime_seconds, name: 'Average
Runtime Seconds '}, {axisId: history.average_runtime, id: history.average_runtime,
name: Average Runtime in Seconds}], showLabels: true, showValues: true,
unpinAxis: false, tickDensity: default, type: linear}]
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legend_position: center
user.count: scatter
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user.count: Users Added
user.count: triangle
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label_density: 25
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y_axis_combined: true
show_null_points: false
interpolation: linear
type: looker_line
hidden_fields: [history.average_runtime]
sorts: [user.created_week desc]
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${history.average_runtime}",
label: 'Average Runtime Seconds ', value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: average_runtime_seconds, _type_hint: number}]
row: 6
col: 0
width: 24
height: 8
- title: DashBoard Count
name: DashBoard Count
model: system__activity
explore: dashboard
type: single_value
fields: [dashboard.count, dashboard.count_last_30_days]
dashboard.moved_to_trash: 'No'
limit: 500
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{table_calculation: total_dashboards, label: Total Dashboards,
expression: 'sum(${dashboard.count})', value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number, is_disabled: true}, {table_calculation: last_30_days,
label: Last 30 days, expression: "sum(\n if(diff_days(${dashboard.created_date},\
\ now()) <= 30, ${dashboard.count},0))", value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number, is_disabled: true}, {measure: in_last_30_days,
based_on: dashboard.id, type: count_distinct, label: In Last 30 Days, value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number, filter_expression: 'diff_days(${dashboard.created_date},
now()) <= 30'}]
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custom_color: forestgreen
single_value_title: Dashboard Count
comparison_label: Last 30 Days
series_types: {}
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note_state: collapsed
note_display: hover
note_text: Total Non-Deleted Dashboards
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listen: {}
row: 2
col: 5
width: 5
height: 4
- title: Unengaged Users
name: Unengaged Users
model: system__activity
explore: user
type: looker_grid
fields: [user.id, user.name, user.created_date, user_facts.last_ui_login_date,
history.most_recent_query_date, scheduled_plan.count, user_facts.last_ui_login_credential_type]
user_facts.last_ui_login_date: before 90 days ago
user.is_disabled: 'No'
user_facts.is_looker_employee: 'No'
sorts: [user_facts.last_ui_login_date]
limit: 100
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{table_calculation: no_query_login, label: 'No-Query Login?',
expression: "${history.most_recent_query_date} < ${user_facts.last_ui_login_date}",
value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: yesno}, {table_calculation: days_since_last_login, label: Days
Since Last Login, expression: 'diff_days(${user_facts.last_ui_login_date},
trunc_days(now()))', value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: dimension, _type_hint: number}]
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collection_id: aed851c8-b22d-4b01-8fff-4b02b91fe78d
palette_id: c36094e3-d04d-4aa4-8ec7-bc9af9f851f4
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
user_facts.last_ui_login_date: Last Login
user_facts.last_api_login_date: Last API Login Date
user.name: Name
user.created_date: Created Date
history.most_recent_query_date: Last Query
scheduled_plan.count: Count of Scheduled Plans
is_active: true
palette_id: 2da48dd9-f8f5-45cc-81a6-74037767d59b
collection_id: aed851c8-b22d-4b01-8fff-4b02b91fe78d
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min: {type: number, value: 10}, mid: {type: middle}, max: {type: number,
value: 200}}, reverse: true, stepped: false}}, bold: false, italic: false,
strikethrough: false, fields: [days_since_last_login]}]
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user.created_date, scheduled_plan.count, history.most_recent_query_date]
note_state: collapsed
note_display: hover
note_text: Users who have not authenticated into Looker in the last 90 days.
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- title: Queue Time for Execution
name: Queue Time for Execution
model: system__activity
explore: scheduled_plan
type: looker_grid
fields: [scheduled_job_stage.avg_runtime, scheduled_job.count, dashboard.title]
scheduled_job_stage.stage: '"enqueue_for_execute"'
scheduled_job.created_date: 30 days ago for 30 days
sorts: [scheduled_job_stage.avg_runtime desc]
limit: 500
column_limit: 50
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: false
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: transparent
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palette_id: c36094e3-d04d-4aa4-8ec7-bc9af9f851f4
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
truncate_header: false
scheduled_job_stage.avg_runtime: Average Time in Queue
scheduled_job.count: Run Count
is_active: false
palette_id: e26878fa-802e-47d9-9478-62fb4307f763
collection_id: aed851c8-b22d-4b01-8fff-4b02b91fe78d
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min: {type: minimum}, mid: {type: middle}, max: {type: maximum}}, mirror: true,
reverse: true, stepped: false}}, bold: false, italic: false, strikethrough: false,
fields: [scheduled_job_stage.avg_runtime]}, {type: along a scale..., value: !!null '',
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max: {type: maximum}}, mirror: true, reverse: false, stepped: false}},
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y_axes: []
listen: {}
row: 32
col: 0
width: 12
height: 8
- title: Query Over 300 Seconds L30D
name: Query Over 300 Seconds L30D
model: system__activity
explore: history
type: looker_grid
fields: [history.issuer_source, history.real_dash_id, history.connection_name,
history.cache, dashboard.title, history.completed_date, history.runtime, history.id]
history.completed_date: 30 days
history.runtime_tiers: 300 or Above
history.issuer_source: "-API,-Action Hub,-Other"
sorts: [history.completed_date desc]
limit: 500
query_timezone: America/Denver
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
hide_totals: false
hide_row_totals: false
size_to_fit: true
table_theme: white
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x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_y_axis_labels: true
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y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
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y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
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show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
collection_id: bergfreunde_2
palette_id: bergfreunde_2-categorical-0
steps: 5
font_size: '12'
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series_colors: {}
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value_labels: legend
label_type: labPer
hidden_series: []
column_order: ["$$$_row_numbers_$$$", history.id, dashboard.title, history.real_dash_id,
history.completed_date, history.issuer_source, history.connection_name, history.cache,
dashboard.title: 195
history.real_dash_id: 167
history.completed_date: 122
history.issuer_source: 110
history.connection_name: 217
history.cache: 187
history.runtime: 143
history.id: 107
hidden_fields: []
y_axes: []
listen: {}
row: 48
col: 0
width: 24
height: 6
- title: PDT Builds L30D
name: PDT Builds L30D
model: system__activity
explore: pdt_builds
type: looker_grid
fields: [pdt_builds.build_reason, pdt_builds.average_build_time_seconds, pdt_builds.average_build_time_minutes]
fill_fields: [pdt_builds.build_reason]
pdt_builds.end_date: 30 days
sorts: [pdt_builds.average_build_time_seconds desc]
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${pdt_builds.average_build_time_seconds}",
label: AVG Build Time Seconds, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: avg_build_time_seconds, _type_hint: number}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
show_view_names: false
show_row_numbers: true
transpose: false
truncate_text: true
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is_active: true
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row: 64
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height: 5
- title: PDT Builds by Result L30D
name: PDT Builds by Result L30D
model: system__activity
explore: pdt_builds
type: looker_grid
fields: [pdt_builds.build_result, count_of_end_time, build_result, sum_of_elapsed_seconds]
pdt_builds.end_date: 30 days
count_of_end_time: NOT NULL
sorts: [run_count desc]
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{measure: count_of_end_time, based_on: pdt_builds.end_time, expression: '',
label: Count of End Time, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_end_time}", label: Run
Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: run_count, _type_hint: number}, {category: dimension, expression: 'if(${pdt_builds.build_result}
= "Successful Build", "Success","Failure")', label: Build Result, value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: !!null '', dimension: build_result, _kind_hint: dimension,
_type_hint: string}, {measure: count_of_elapsed_seconds, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_seconds,
expression: '', label: Count of Elapsed Seconds, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {measure: sum_of_elapsed_seconds, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_seconds,
expression: '', label: Sum of Elapsed Seconds, type: sum, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {measure: sum_of_elapsed_minutes, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_minutes,
expression: '', label: Sum of Elapsed Minutes, type: sum, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
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count_of_elapsed_seconds: Run Seconds
sum_of_elapsed_seconds: Run Seconds
sum_of_elapsed_minutes: Run Minutes
pdt_builds.view_name: 311
is_active: false
palette_id: 1e4d66b9-f066-4c33-b0b7-cc10b4810688
collection_id: b43731d5-dc87-4a8e-b807-635bef3948e7
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row: 64
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width: 12
height: 5
- title: PDT Build Success vs Failure 30D
name: PDT Build Success vs Failure 30D
model: system__activity
explore: pdt_builds
type: looker_area
fields: [count_of_end_time, build_results, pdt_builds.end_date]
pivots: [build_results]
fill_fields: [pdt_builds.end_date]
pdt_builds.end_month: 30 days
sorts: [build_results, pdt_builds.end_date desc]
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{measure: count_of_end_time, based_on: pdt_builds.end_time, expression: '',
label: Count of End Time, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_end_time}", label: Run
Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: run_count, _type_hint: number}, {category: dimension, expression: 'if(${pdt_builds.build_result}
= "Successful Build", "Success","Failure")', label: Build Results, value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: !!null '', dimension: build_results, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: string}]
x_axis_gridlines: false
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y_axis_zoom: true
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Success - run_count: "#068993"
show_sql_query_menu_options: false
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- name: PDT Build Monitoring
type: text
title_text: PDT Build Monitoring
body_text: ''
row: 54
col: 0
width: 24
height: 2
- title: PDT Runs by View L30D
name: PDT Runs by View L30D
model: system__activity
explore: pdt_builds
type: looker_column
fields: [pdt_builds.view_name, count_of_end_time, build_results]
pivots: [build_results]
pdt_builds.end_date: 30 days ago for 30 days
sorts: [build_results, failure desc]
limit: 500
dynamic_fields: [{measure: count_of_end_time, based_on: pdt_builds.end_time, expression: '',
label: Count of End Time, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number},
{category: dimension, expression: 'if(${pdt_builds.build_result} = "Successful
Build", "Success","Failure")', label: Build Results, value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: !!null '', dimension: build_results, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: string}, {category: table_calculation, expression: "coalesce(pivot_where(${build_results}!=\"\
Success\", ${count_of_end_time}),0)\n/\ncoalesce(pivot_where(${build_results}=\"\
Success\", ${count_of_end_time}),0)", label: "%", value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: percent_0, _kind_hint: supermeasure, table_calculation: calculation,
_type_hint: number, is_disabled: true}, {category: table_calculation, expression: 'coalesce(${count_of_end_time},0)',
label: Run Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: run_count, _type_hint: number}, {category: table_calculation,
expression: "(pivot_index(${run_count},1))\n/\n(pivot_index(${run_count},1)\n\
+\npivot_index(${run_count},2)\n)", label: "% Failure", value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: percent_0, _kind_hint: supermeasure, table_calculation: failure,
_type_hint: number}]
query_timezone: America/Denver
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series_types: {}
Failure - count_of_end_time: "#B32F37"
Success - count_of_end_time: "#72D16D"
Failure - run_count: "#B32F37"
Success - run_count: "#72D16D"
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listen: {}
row: 77
col: 0
width: 24
height: 10
- title: Current Failing Views L30D
name: Current Failing Views L30D
model: system__activity
explore: pdt_event_log
type: looker_grid
fields: [pdt_builds.view_name, count_of_end_time, build_results, sum_of_elapsed_seconds_2]
pivots: [build_results]
pdt_builds.end_date: 30 days
build_results: Failure
sorts: [build_results, sum_of_elapsed_seconds_2 desc 0]
limit: 5000
column_limit: 50
total: true
dynamic_fields: [{measure: sum_of_elapsed_seconds, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_seconds,
expression: '', label: Sum of Elapsed Seconds, type: sum, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_action_data, based_on: pdt_event_log.action_data,
expression: '', label: Count of Action Data, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_end_time, based_on: pdt_builds.end_time,
expression: '', label: Count of End Time, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {category: dimension, expression: 'if(${pdt_builds.build_result}
= "Successful Build", "Success","Failure")', label: Build Results, value_format: !!null '',
value_format_name: !!null '', dimension: build_results, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: string}, {category: table_calculation, expression: 'pivot_index(${build_results},1)',
label: Successful Builds, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: supermeasure, table_calculation: successful_builds, _type_hint: string,
is_disabled: true}, {category: table_calculation, expression: 'pivot_index(${build_results},
1)', label: New Calculation, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: supermeasure, table_calculation: new_calculation, _type_hint: string,
is_disabled: true}, {measure: sum_of_elapsed_seconds_2, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_seconds,
expression: '', label: Sum of Elapsed Seconds, type: sum, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}, {measure: sum_of_elapsed_minutes, based_on: pdt_builds.elapsed_minutes,
expression: '', label: Sum of Elapsed Minutes, type: sum, _kind_hint: measure,
_type_hint: number}]
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"$$$_row_numbers_$$$": left
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show_totals: true
show_row_totals: true
count_of_end_time: Run Count
sum_of_elapsed_seconds_2: Seconds Wasted
pdt_event_log.action_data: 2873
pdt_builds.build_result: 133
pdt_builds.elapsed_seconds: 128
pdt_builds.end_time: 148
pdt_event_log.view_name: 188
pdt_event_log.action: 154
pdt_event_log.created_time: 147
pdt_builds.build_reason: 187
pdt_builds.view_name: 406
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is_active: false
palette_id: 2d9abb49-d953-c441-86f3-46e444d69836
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row: 130
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width: 24
height: 2
- name: Completed Queries by Explore L30D
title: Completed Queries by Explore L30D
- model: system__activity
explore: history
type: table
fields: [query.view]
limit: 500
join_fields: []
- model: system__activity
explore: history
type: table
fields: [query.view, history.query_run_count]
history.completed_month: 30 days ago for 30 days
sorts: [history.query_run_count desc]
limit: 500
- field_name: query.view
source_field_name: query.view
type: looker_column
sorts: [history.query_run_count desc]
column_limit: 50
row: 23
col: 0
width: 24
height: 9
- title: Scheduled Plan Count (Looks)
name: Scheduled Plan Count (Looks)
model: system__activity
explore: scheduled_plan
type: looker_grid
fields: [count_of_id_2, count_of_user_id, count_of_address, look.title]
look.title: "-NULL"
sorts: [count_of_id_2 desc]
limit: 500
column_limit: 50
dynamic_fields: [{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_id_2}",
label: Schedule Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: decimal_0,
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: schedule_count, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_user_id}", label: Count
of Users (Scheduler), value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '',
_kind_hint: measure, table_calculation: count_of_users_scheduler, _type_hint: number},
{category: table_calculation, expression: "${count_of_address}", label: Recipient
Count, value_format: !!null '', value_format_name: !!null '', _kind_hint: measure,
table_calculation: recipient_count, _type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_id,
based_on: scheduled_job.id, expression: '', label: Count of ID, type: count_distinct,
_kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number}, {category: measure, expression: '',
label: Count of User ID, based_on: scheduled_plan.user_id, _kind_hint: measure,
measure: count_of_user_id, type: count_distinct, _type_hint: number}, {measure: count_of_address,
based_on: scheduled_plan_destination.address, expression: '', label: Count
of Address, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number},
{measure: count_of_id_2, based_on: scheduled_plan.id, expression: '', label: Count
of ID, type: count_distinct, _kind_hint: measure, _type_hint: number}]
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column_order: ["$$$_row_numbers_$$$", look.title, schedule_count, count_of_users_scheduler,
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row: 124
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height: 6
- title: Dashboard Recommendations
name: Dashboard Recommendations
model: system__activity
explore: dashboard
type: looker_grid
fields: [dashboard_element.high_merge_query_count, dashboard_element.high_query_count,
dashboard_element.low_auto_refresh_interval, dashboard_element.sorted_warnings,
user.name, dashboard_element.combo_warning, dashboard.title, dashboard_element.combo_recommendation]
dashboard.moved_to_trash: 'No'
dashboard_element.sorted_warnings: ">0"
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dashboard_element.sorted_warnings: Severity
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dashboard_element.combo_recommendation: Recommendations
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- title: Explore Recommendations
name: Explore Recommendations
model: system__activity
explore: query_metrics
type: looker_grid
fields: [query.view, query.model, history.connection_name, query_metrics.async_processing_average,
query_metrics.prepare_average, query_metrics.explore_init_average, query_metrics.marshalled_cache_load_average,
query_metrics.model_init_computed_average, query_metrics.acquire_connection_average,
query_metrics.execute_main_query_average, query_metrics.postprocessing_average,
query_metrics.stream_to_cache_average, query_metrics.sorted_warnings, query_metrics.combo_warning,
query.view: "-EMPTY"
query.model: "-EMPTY"
query_metrics.minimum_query_events: '30'
query_metrics.sorted_warnings: ">0"
query_metrics.combo_recommendations: "-EMPTY"
query_metrics.combo_warning: "%time%"
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query_metrics.combo_warning: Warnings
query_metrics.combo_recommendations: Recommendations
query_metrics.stream_to_cache_average: 75
query.view: 55
query.model: 55
history.connection_name: 55
query_metrics.sorted_warnings: 55
is_active: true
align: left
align: left
conditional_formatting: [{type: along a scale..., value: 0, background_color: "#FC2E31",
font_color: !!null '', color_application: {collection_id: 5591d8d1-6b49-4f8e-bafa-b874d82f8eb7,
palette_id: 5378478f-6725-4b04-89cc-75fc42da804e, options: {steps: 4, constraints: {
min: {type: number, value: 0}, mid: {type: number, value: 1}, max: {
type: number, value: 6}}, stepped: false}}, bold: false, italic: false,
strikethrough: false, fields: !!null ''}]
x_axis_gridlines: false
y_axis_gridlines: true
show_y_axis_labels: true
show_y_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_tick_density: default
y_axis_tick_density_custom: 5
show_x_axis_label: true
show_x_axis_ticks: true
y_axis_scale_mode: linear
x_axis_reversed: false
y_axis_reversed: false
plot_size_by_field: false
trellis: ''
stacking: ''
legend_position: center
point_style: none
show_value_labels: false
label_density: 25
x_axis_scale: auto
y_axis_combined: true
ordering: none
show_null_labels: false
show_totals_labels: false
show_silhouette: false
totals_color: "#808080"
defaults_version: 1
series_types: {}
hidden_fields: [query_metrics.async_processing_average, query_metrics.prepare_average,
query_metrics.explore_init_average, query_metrics.marshalled_cache_load_average,
query_metrics.model_init_computed_average, query_metrics.acquire_connection_average,
query_metrics.execute_main_query_average, query_metrics.postprocessing_average,
listen: {}
row: 147
col: 0
width: 24
height: 9